Other Clinics & Services

Maternity Care
First antenatal appointments (booking in) are seen on a Wednesday afternoon between 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm. Subsequent follow-up appointments are on a Tuesday afternoon after 1:00 pm. These are run by the community midwife.

Child Immunisation Clinics
Routine childhood immunisation appointments are organised by the Health Authority for 2, 3 and 4 months and 1 and 3/4 years of age. You will receive an appointment card through the post. The clinic is run on Tuesday Mornings between 9:00 am and 11:00 am by one of our Practice Nurses.

Child Health Screening
These developmental screenings take place when your child is 6 weeks old. Babies will be checked by a Health Visitor (which is arranged by them) and then by a doctor usually when mum is coming in or her 6 week postnatal examination. Further developmental checks will be carried out at times arranged by the health visitor.

Family Planning Advice
We provide all contraceptive options to all our patients including:
- insertion/removal of the contraceptive coils
- insertion/removal of contraceptive implant
- Injectable contraceptive

Minor Surgery
Minor surgical procedures and operations are carried out by Dr Ellison or Dr Spencer. You will need to have been seen by a GP prior to making appointment.
Other procedures such as incision and drainage of abscesses, joint injections, liquid Nitrogen treatments etc. can be arranged at other times.

Minor Injuries
We also offer a Minor Injuries service to our patients. If you should suffer a minor injury, (slip or fall, blow to the head, cuts and lacerations, animal or insect bites etc) please contact the surgery in the first instance as we should be able to deal with your problem without the need for you to go into the walk in centre or A&E. Do be aware however that this is a service for minor injuries. Chest pain or collapse etc. should be seen by trained Paramedics by calling 999. If we are unable to deal with your minor injury we will advise you on where to seek assistance.

New Patient Health Check
A Health check is advisable to all new patients wishing to register with us from the age of 40 OR if taking prescribed medication/ have complex health needs. Please ask a member of our Reception Team who will organise an appointment for you.

NHS Health Check
This is advisable and offered to all patients age 40-75 every 5 yrs. At the check - your BP / Height / Weight / Smoking status / Alcohol intake will be measured along with blood tests for diabetes , kidney function and cholesterol. This will enable us to calculate your future cardiovascular risk - your so called Q Risk.

Other Services
Hearing aid Batteries are available at reception. Please enquire at reception.